PHONE (08) 9287 2944 | 0431 062 646

Will I lose weight?

The treatment does not result in weight loss but will reduce the fat and increase the muscle in the treatment area..  We can provide assistance with weight reduction with diet suggestions, monitoring and medication that can increase your body’s sensitivity to insulin, reduce your appetite and increase your satiety (you feel full with less food). [...]

Will I lose weight?2022-04-01T05:58:44+00:00

How many treatments do I need?

You will be prescribed a series of 4 treatments, one every 5 to 10 days for optimal results.   A maintenance program of 1 to 2 treatments every 6 to 12 months is recommended. 

How many treatments do I need?2022-04-01T05:58:08+00:00

Is EMSCULPT NEO painful?

EMSCULPT NEO treatments may feel intense but should never be painful. The following day you may be aware that you have had a treatment but there is no muscle pain or stiffness. 

Is EMSCULPT NEO painful?2022-04-01T05:57:31+00:00

How is EMSCULPT NEO procedure performed?

There is no pre-preparation required.    Following your consultation you will be photographed to provide a record of your progress.  You will then be asked to lay down while the applicators are applied over the treatment area and treatment will take 30 minutes. Your therapist will occasionally adjust the intensity of the contraction to obtain the [...]

How is EMSCULPT NEO procedure performed?2022-04-01T05:56:56+00:00

Who is the right candidate for EMSCULPT NEO?

Emsculpt Neo is a medical device and will therefore require a consultation prior to commencement of treatment as there are a number of contraindications.  It is suitable for anyone with a BMI less than 35 who wishes to increase muscle bulk and strength, reduce subcutaneous fat and improve skin laxity.  It is also suitable for [...]

Who is the right candidate for EMSCULPT NEO?2022-04-01T05:55:35+00:00

How does EMSCULPT NEO work?

EMSCULPT NEO uses synchronized RF (radiofrequency) and HIFEM+ (hi intensity focused electromagnetic) energies to destroy fat, increase muscle strength and bulk and tighten the skin.  The energies are transmitted through an applicator that is applied to the treatment area.  Initially only radiofrequency is applied which creates heat and quickly raises the muscle temperature by several [...]

How does EMSCULPT NEO work?2022-04-01T05:54:58+00:00

Does EMSCULPT NEO really work?

Aesthetics Award Winner for 2022 for Product Innovation of the Year  Emsculpt Neo really does work.  (See the before and after photos below).   Clients have commented on how they could achieve a lot more in a gym workout after just 1 treatment.    The technology behind Emsculpt Neo is revolutionary and patented and has been studied [...]

Does EMSCULPT NEO really work?2022-04-01T05:53:53+00:00

Our Covid-safe practices

Clinic is fitted with hospital grade air purifiers and ionizers.  All staff are fully vaccinated  Masks – Treating staff will wear N95 masks for your added protection – Clients to wear masks until instructed to remove them for treatment  Valid vaccine certificate required to enter the clinic  Covid questionnaire to be completed prior to appointment  [...]

Our Covid-safe practices2022-04-01T03:38:34+00:00


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