PHONE (08) 9287 2944 | 0431 062 646

Post Treatment

Heat can sometimes be present in the treated area immediately after Normal daily schedule can be resumed No swimming in pools or spas for 48 hours post treatment Avoid exposing the area to the sun Avoid excessive exercise for 24 hours post treatment

Post Treatment2022-01-30T05:33:52+00:00

Special Instructions

Not suitable to bring a child to as they are unable to be in the room during treatment session

Special Instructions2022-01-30T05:33:22+00:00

Preparing for treatment

Shave the day of your treatment Do not use any Vitamin A or exfoliating ingredients for 48hours prior Do not wax or tweeze 2 weeks prior Avoid sun exposure in the treatment area for at least 2 weeks prior Fake tan solutions must not be used on the treatment area for at least 2 weeks [...]

Preparing for treatment2022-01-30T05:32:57+00:00

Hair Growth Cycle

Hair on the scalp grows about .3 to .4 mm/day or about 6 inches per year. Unlike other mammals, human hair growth and shedding is random and not seasonal or cyclical. At any given time, a random number of hairs will be in one of three stages of growth and shedding: anagen, catagen, and telogen. [...]

Hair Growth Cycle2022-01-30T05:32:27+00:00

How many treatments do I need?

The number of treatments required depends of several factors related to your specific kind of hair and skin. A customised treatment program will be designed for you. Prior to your first treatment a thorough consultation and test patch is required. Treatment every 4 to 6 weeks for 6 to 8 sessions - on average. Timing [...]

How many treatments do I need?2022-01-30T05:29:47+00:00

How does IPL Hair Removal work?

To perform light-based hair removal, a large rectangular window emitting broad-spectrum light is applied to the surface of the skin. The energy travels harmlessly through the epidermis and dermis until it strikes the hair follicle, which contains a dense, melanin-rich hair shaft and bulb. IPL’s Broad Band light is used to heat and destroy hair [...]

How does IPL Hair Removal work?2022-01-30T05:26:57+00:00


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