Love those Lips – would like that look.
What do people want? See below for the results of a study showing the 6 most desired lips. Click the below to enlarge.

When we ask the question, the answer is often “I want my lips to be fuller but to still look normal and not “done”. I don’t want anyone to know that I have had my lips filled”.
Case 1


We treat the lip and the surrounding areas of the face if required, as these frame and support the lips.
In this example, you can see that the sides of the mouth are supported and the small fold and very slight down angulations have been corrected; Also the area below the lip and above the chin, called the mental crease, has been softened. These changes frame and support the mouth and enhance the beautiful lips which are now slightly fuller and very natural looking.
Case 2


Some people require a slight correction to even the lips and increase their volume as seen in this photo.
Case 3


In this example there is a subtle increase in the volume of the lip and the border definition giving a beautiful elegant lip.
What do I need to do or avoid before an appointment for lip fillers? Click here to read FAQ about dermal fillers.