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Morpheus8 is the latest fractional radiofrequency device in the cosmetic and skincare industry and is providing outcomes not achieved before with a single device. 

It is the first device to treat multiple layers in a single treatment using insulated (gold coated) titanium microneedles that emit radiofrequency energy from the last 0.5mm of the needles. This allows for higher temperatures to be achieved in the deeper layers providing better results, whilst protecting the skin. 

We are so delighted to have this tool at our disposal as we now have something to offer our clients who are unhappy with their jowls, nasolabial folds, marionette lines, crow’s feet and saggy necks who would like an alternative to muscle relaxers, dermal fillers and superficial facial treatments. Morpheus8 provides an alternative to having a facelift, although for some clients, a facelift may still be the best option.  

Is Morpheus8 right for me?2023-04-30T02:07:09+00:00

Ideal candidates for treatments with the advanced Morpheus8 RF micro needling system typically want to reduce loose, sagging skin on the face, neck, and body, but want to avoid plastic surgery. This effective nonsurgical option is also suitable for patients who are beginning to notice discoloration, smile lines, age spots, and other skin flaws. Morpheus8 might be the ideal treatment if you want to: 

  • Firm and tighten skin 
  • Reduce sagging jowls and/or a “turkey neck” 
  • Improve skin texture, tone, and pigment 
  • Treat skin irregularities such as discoloration and blood vessels 
  • Minimize the appearance of age spots and sun damage. 
  • Improve acne scars, stretch marks, and other irregularities. 
  • Rejuvenate skin for a younger, healthier appearance. 

Even younger patients who are noticing fine lines and wrinkles can be great candidates for Morpheus8.  

Those with more severe skin sagging, lines, and wrinkles might be better candidates for surgical procedures. 

 Not suitable in pregnancy and breastfeeding.  

Pre-treatment questionnaire2023-04-30T02:28:19+00:00

Do you have any of the following?  

  • Pacemaker     
  • Internal Defibrillator   
  • Superficial implants (metal plates, screws, metal piercings 
  • Cochlear implants 

Are you taking?

  • Photosensitizing medication 
  • Fish oil, flaxseed oil, linseed oil 
  • Aspirin 
  • NSAIDS – nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication (i.e., Nurofen) 
  • Anti-coagulant medication 

If you are taking any of the above for medical reasons, please discuss if it is safe to discontinue the treatment with your treating practitioner. 

Have you ever had cold sores (herpes simplex)? 

Have you had UV exposure to the treated area in the last 2 weeks? 

 Have you followed the prescribed skin preparation prior to this appointment? 

 Do you agree to follow the following post treatment advice? 

  • Avoid skin cooling at home, except tap water if needed. 
  • Avoid all activities in the first 24 hours. 
  • Avoid touching the area treated until the micro lesions have closed and the inflammation has subsided. 
  • Follow the post treatment instructions in the handout (see above) 
How does Morpheus8 work?2023-04-30T02:11:14+00:00

Morpheus8 works on the deep layers, tightening the muscular fascia layer (which lies between the superficial fat and the muscles of facial expression) and facial bands providing lift and sharpening of the jaw line as well as remodelling the fat and rejuvenating the skin. It’s an all-in-one treatment!  

The micro needling and RF cause microtrauma stimulating a healing response and the production of collagen and elastin. Some treatments, such as threads and collagen stimulators cause an inflammatory response and scar tissue formation rather than the production of healthy organized collagen that develops after micro needling or micro needling with RF as in the Morpheus8. New collagen and elastin formation in the skin, results in firmer, smoother healthier skin.  

The treatment is well tolerated as we provide numbing of the skin before the treatment and deep numbing for body work.  

What happens during the treatment procedure?2023-04-30T02:13:20+00:00
  • You will be asked to complete a consent form for the procedure. 
  • Photos will be taken to monitor your progress. 
  • Anaesthetic (numbing) gel will be applied 60 minutes prior to your procedure. 
  • The procedure will take up to 90 minutes depending on the area to be treated. 
  •  We will monitor your response and adjust the treatment parameters accordingly, to ensure your comfort. Additional numbing is available if required. 
  • The area to be treated will be cleansed with an antiseptic solution. 
  • After the procedure an LED light treatment lasting approximately 20 minutes will be administered and then soothing cream will be applied to keep the area moist and comfortable 
What do I need to do before my treatment?2023-04-30T02:12:16+00:00
  • Cease anticoagulant medications (including aspirin) 7 days prior to treatment, if medically safe to do so. Please discuss this with Dr Craig before ceasing anticoagulants if taking them for medical reasons 
  • Cease anti-inflammatories, such as ibuprofen, 2 days before the procedure. 
  • If you have ever had cold sores, you need to commence anti-viral medication (Valocyclovir is our preferred medication) the morning of your procedure and continue for 5 days. Dr Craig can provide a prescription prior to your procedure. Heat can trigger an outbreak, and this would be problematic after the treatment. 
  • Contact the clinic to reschedule if any infective lesion or skin condition such as psoriasis, eczema or rash develops in the treatment area prior to your procedure. An outbreak of acne (pimples) is not a concern as the treatment is excellent for treating active acne. 
  • Avoid all non-ablative device treatments for 2 weeks prior to the procedure. 
  • Avoid ablative treatments such as ablative fractional RF or ablative fractional laser resurfacing for 6-12 weeks prior to the procedure. Discuss with your treating therapist/Dr as the time depends on the level of ablation. 
  • If you have had surgery in the treatment area you need to wait 12 months before commencing Morpheus8 treatment 
  • Please attend the clinic with a clean face, free of makeup (including eye makeup to avoid tattooing occurring) and creams including moisturizer. If coming from work, we can cleanse your face at the clinic. 


What do I need to do after the treatment?2023-04-30T02:14:34+00:00
  • Cool the skin with tap water if there is an excessive heat response. This is not normally necessary. 
  • Rinse the area treated with water only before bed on the night of the treatment. 
  • Apply the face mask according to the instructions, remembering to keep any solution in the pouch to apply the next day. Leave the mask on for at least 15 minutes to obtain maximal benefit. 
  • Apply the healing ointment provided for 1-3 days post treatment as required. This will reduce the dryness. 
  • You may commence moisturizer, physical sunscreen (zinc oxide) and make-up (preferably mineral) 24 hours after the treatment if the skin is looking healed. 
  • Avoid active ingredients (Serums, especially Vitamin A) for 14 days. 
  • Downtime is minimal and ranges from 1-5 days; the longer time for superficial and higher energy treatments. 
  • Continue anti-viral medications for 5 days if prescribed. 
  • Keep the area clean and avoid contact of the area with pets. 
  • Contact Dr Craig on the clinic number or her emergency number, 0404 116 623 (out of hours) if you develop pain, increasing redness, any signs of infection or you are concerned in any way. 
How many treatments do I need and how often?2023-04-30T02:16:08+00:00
  • The number of sessions required varies from 1-4 with intervals of 4-6 weeks. 
  • Maintenance sessions may be needed after 12 months, although maximum benefit is not achieved until 12 months post treatment. 
How quickly will I see the results?2023-04-30T02:16:49+00:00

Visible results can be seen in a few days, however typically, there will be ongoing improvement for up to 12 months. The development of new collagen and elastin takes months to maximize.  

Is there downtime and when can I wear Makeup?2023-04-30T02:22:29+00:00
  • minimal down time  
  • makeup can be worn after 24 hours.  
  •  Bruising is uncommon but may occur and is usually minimal. Hirudoid cream and LED treatment can speed up the resolution of the bruise. 
  • There may be occasional small red marks or tiny spots where the needles enter the skin. If this occurs, the face recovers within 5 days,  
  • most people have no visible signs after 24 hours.  
  • reactive skin may develop some welts, redness and swelling for up to 5, particularly on the neck.  
  • Eyelid treatment may take 5+ days for swelling and bruising to settle. The length of time depends on the intensity of the treatment in this area. 


How do I maintain and prolong the skin changes achieved?2023-04-30T02:21:27+00:00

We expect that a lot of the deeper changes will be long lasting, however, to maximize your outcome and maintain the improvement achieved we recommend a maintenance program designed specifically for your skin type.   

  • 1st 6 months post Morpheus treatment – 1-3 treatments of PRP are recommended following completion of the Morpheus8 treatment as it rehydrates the deeper layers of SMAS – superficial muscular fascia system and skin giving the best outcome. 
  • Long term skin maintenance with a selection of the following treatments is highly recommended. 
  • Skinpen micro needling (3 per year is recommended)  
  • IPL treatments for pigment, redness and skin rejuvenation 
  • RF fractional – series of 3  
  • RF skin tightening – series of 3 – 6 
  • PRP 1-2/year 
  • Regular peels/ medifacials 
  • LED treatment 6/year recommended 
  • Skin Cosmeceuticals – Skin care – good quality medical grade 
  • Sunscreen 
  • Dermafrac and skin boosters 

Ask our experienced therapist to recommend a monthly maintenance skin regime specific for your skin type. This can be paid as a regular monthly payment with a discounted price if you prefer, so that you can book in your years appointments and know that you will maintain your beautiful skin, whilst saving some money! 


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